My son and Minecraft.

My son have played in Minecraft more than 3 years. It’s not only game for him. He has dream. He’ll earn money and buy gaming PC.

12 month ago he made YouTube channel and start to stream how he playing in Minecraft, build different houses, village, shopping mall, famous facilities like Statue of Freedom, Eiffel Tower etc For example he specially went to our nearest shopping mall and remember how many floors, shops, elevator, food court etc. After that he construct this mall in his metaverse. 
I offered him to sell his building to owners this mall ).

month ago we offered him to learn basics of programming based on Minecraft. He started in group but we realized that he would be more comfortable alone with the teacher personally. He looks forward to every lesson and does his homework with pleasure.

2 weeks ago he asked me to play with him once a week and bought me to account in Minecraft for my MacBook. Why? Cause he said it will help him to grow his auditoria and increase subscribers. He figured out how to connect me to his world in Minecraft. And we started.

In during this process I have time to speak more with my sonny, collaborate in group, divide duties and achieve some funny goals.

It’s not only game. He created an avatar for himself, preparing storyline, records video from the screen via OBS, cut unnecessary episodes, add music, add cover and download movie on his channel. Interesting a practice for son and may be help him in the future projects.
